Graphics - 0/5 Horribly poor sniper scope. and the claymation was puer shit, He probly made the whole thing in under 30 minutes (ive dont stop motion, i know how LITTLE he actually did there)
Sound -2/5 his annoying unfunny voice, thats all
Style - 0/5, god damn clays are annyoing now, over used and WAY overrated, stealing awards from REAL flash artists who actually put time and DESERVE Them. UNORIGANAL AND UVERUSED THEME HERE
Humour 0/5, unlike most of knox's clay movies i didnt laught once,
Violence 2/5, a peice of clay gets shot,
Overall 1/5 - puer shit, barley even deserved to pass jedgement but NG's has to many newbs who dont have a clue of what flash is and vote all their 5s on a 5 seconds 10 framed POS clay movie just for the sake that knox is submitting it.
I give this 2 thumbs DOWN. Just the FACT that this is on the front page, and has a score of 4.12 is an insult to Ngs and to the human race