I love it
Honestly, the idea of making your own underground passages and tunnels, searching for shit to get you better, i played this for 2 hours today and im eager for more, a true flash legend
I love it
Honestly, the idea of making your own underground passages and tunnels, searching for shit to get you better, i played this for 2 hours today and im eager for more, a true flash legend
I mean some (alot) of the stuff in this tutorial is REALLY basic, and by really basic i mean its like
(The deposit experiance button deposits your experiance!)
comon, alot of that profile stuff was just stupid and pointless.
Also the flash section had alot of reused material and alot of flashkit things on it. ive seen many of those tutorials (like the explosion one) in the flash section before, and well it didnt teach me anything new, just the extreme basics.
Only thing i do really like however the the amount of different info, like with swift and photoshop so you get points for that,
its good but i would like to see a more "reasonable" or indepth tutorial, not one that mainly just says things that are already blantely obvious,
good work notheless
i got 13,324 points
Great game, loads of fun
My only complaits are the very simple graphics and the shortness.
This is a great and fun game, but its only 2 levels long, if it were like 8 or 10 levels long it would be the God of all games.
Till then good luck on future movies =)
Awsome game, one of a kind
I really liked this game, its new, fun and just like any building sim game.
The only problem is it should have some kinda picture thing that shows you your city at the end, becaue suually i make my city look awsome and then i win and i cant see it anymore. heh.
Its a great game, i beat it on hard. Only real problem is it runs so slow (even with my brand new cpu) i had to leave it at medium (which is odd for a flash movie)
Hmm, the city idea sounds good, but I might accidentally show a wasteland, since I have no idea where people actually build (It's a big map!).
It's slow for me too, I play on low quality - meh, it's my first - and one of the few that exist - flashed based RTS games. Live and learn!
great game, especially for its filesize
I thought it was great, suspenceful and addicitive,
heh i cleaned everyones asses up in like 5 minutes though =p, but i love the Top 5 idea
it needed more "conversation" and embarrasing sounds. without em its pritty much usless. but goo try nother the less
That was actually pritty cool, fun and way better than the first
good work!
a 10? :) Very very nice, thank you :) Yep, it was better
Those pRank calls were TOO Damn funny!!
i was laughes till i fell outta my chair!!
This is seriously the FUNNIEST shit ive ever seen!
Age 36, Male
Joined on 8/20/03